

1、tell的过去式是told具体释义如下tell 英 tel 美 t#603lvt讲述告诉,说辨别吩咐 vt vi分辨,辨别告诉,吩咐泄漏保证 vi泄密,告发颜色声音等显示识别 n考古学古代村落;例句 1He told his in that one sentence他用这句话讲述了自己的故事2The first man told his story第一个人讲了他的故事3But I bet you couldn#39t have told me that但我敢打包票,你之前不可能知道这;第三人称单数 tells复数 tells现在分词 telling过去式 told过去分词 told 双语例句1I cant possibly tell you that!我绝不会把那件事告诉你的!2I didnt tell anyone, honestly!我确实没告诉过任何人!3;he would give us an examination the next Monday不可说told that一般情况下直接引语中是什么词,改成间接引语是也用这个词,注意下ask sb notto do told sb to do之类的格式 百度百科里有好多例句和讲解。

2、tell一般用作及物动词,常用于tellsomebodytodosomething这个结构中,表示要某人做某事told是tell的过去dao式和过去分词形式 扩展资料 例句1There is a potential edaocational benefit in allowing pictures to te;第三人称单数tells复数tells现在分词telling过去式told过去分词told 例句 1There is a potential educational benefit in allowing pictures to tell the story, rather than the spoken word用图片代替话语来讲述;tell的过去式是told 读音英 t#601#650ld 美 to#650ldv 告诉吩咐讲述表达辨别判断泄露动词tell的过去式和过去分词词语用法 1tell的基本意思是用语言或文字“告知”“告诉”“;vi泄密,告发 颜色声音等显示 识别 n考古学古代村落遗址堆积而成的台形土墩 方言讲的话 谈话 传闻 第三人称单数tells复数tells现在分词telling过去式told过去分词told 例句 1There;as i am told据我所闻三,英汉例句 1,when i hurriedly got to the airport,the lady at the window told me that there were no seats left on that plane当我匆忙冲到机场的时候,售票窗口后的女士告诉我。

3、said 是say的过去式和过去分词,后加说话内容 say to sb sthquotquot told是tell的过去式和过去分词,我都不知道怎么说它了,给你些例句and短语吧 all told 总共, 一共, 共计 Do tell! 不见得吧! 真没;said 是say的过去式和过去分词,后加说话内容say to sb sthquotquottold是tell的过去式和过去分词,我都不知道怎么说它了,给你些例句and短语吧all told 总共, 一共, 共计 Do tell!不见得吧! 真没想到! 有;told的例句,具体如下1Somebody should have told me应该有人告诉我才是2She told me the news herself是她本人告诉我这个消息的3They told us the dreadful news他们告诉了我们这个坏消息4I told;tell双语例句 1I#39ll tell you what I#39ve been thinking翻译我来给你讲讲我这段时间的想法2Now,I#39ll tell you how I got that翻译好,我来告诉你们我是怎样弄到那东西的3Can you tell me;过去时told 双语例句 1In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis our relationship was over晚上我回来告诉菲莉丝我们之间完了2His friends say he was always quick to tell a joke他的朋友们说,以前他;台形土墩 方言讲的话 谈话 传闻第三人称单数tells过去分词told复数tells现在进行时telling过去式told 例句1Can you tell me where the admiral hotel is?你能告诉我海军旅馆在哪儿吗;双语例句 1I told my mother I wanted to leave school but she didn#39t approve我告诉母亲我不想继续上学,但是母亲不同意2I did it because he told me to是他吩咐我才做的3With brutal honesty she。


4、told的读音英t#601#650ld,美to#650ldtold,作动词告诉,讲,讲述告诉,意思是诉说申诉向别人陈述通知某事,使人知道受害人向司法部门报告犯罪事实,请求追诉双语例句1I#39ve told。

5、表示在过去的过去发生的动作,即表示发生在told和said之前的动作toldsaid是tell和say的过去式,表示过去发生的动作如, She toldsaid that she had finished his workquot完成工作“发生在”说“之前3用动词原形或三单现表示。



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